Sreda, November 1 2006: Newsletter
- New version of events recall: now you can receive alarms between 5 minutes to many days before begin or end of the events

- Sync your address book Mozilla Thunderbird
with Tsync plugin 
- Add new button:
send a copy of your data (bookmark, events, todo, notes and contacts) to your contacts by e-mail -> ex: invite contact to an event, ...
- Add notes management (possibility to sync with SyncML protocol, to add to your homepage Netvibes / Google /, ...)

Version 1.0.5 for MemotooFirefox -> compatibility with Mozilla Firefox 2.0 
- New web interface to view sync history and to force update

- Compatibility with Funambol
plugin version 3.0.x to sync Outlook , your Palm , your iPod , your Pocket PC / PDA , your BlackBerry , ... 